Work Packages

Efficient Coordination and Transparent Communication

Work Package 1: Project Management & Public Relations
Ensuring efficient coordination and visibility of the project.

Assessment of the Crew’s Current Health Status

Work Package 2: State of the Art (Pre-Test)
Targeted collection of the current health conditions on board.

Implementing Targeted Health Promotion Measures

Work Package 3: Onboard Interventions
Developing and executing health promotion measures directly on board.

Research and Evaluation of AI-Based Health Promotion

Work Package 4: Scientific Support and Analysis
Scientific evaluation and analysis of health interventions.

Developing an AI-Based Well-Being Platform for Ship Crews

Work Package 5: Software Development
Creating a software solution for promoting crew well-being.

Developing Market-Ready Solutions for Shipping

Work Package 6: Product Development and Design
Designing a market-ready product for well-being promotion.

Technical and Practical Tests of the Well-Being Platform at Sea

Work Package 7: System Testing Onboard
Testing the platform under real conditions on commercial vessels.