Work Package 4: Scientific Support and Analysis

Scientific Foundation and Analysis of Health Interventions


This work package focuses on the scientific evaluation of data collected from various work packages to verify the effectiveness of the developed measures. This includes preparing studies and reviews on AI-based health promotion and prevention aboard ships. The objective is to further optimize and validate detection and prevention models based on scientific findings.

Additionally, this work package produces scientific publications and conference presentations to disseminate research findings to a broader audience.


  • Creation of scientific reviews and studies on AI-based health promotion
  • Analysis and evaluation of data from prior work packages (WP 2, WP 3, and WP 7)
  • Scientific publications and presentations at conferences


Expected Results

  • Ongoing scientific support and evaluation of intervention measures
  • Publication of studies and scientific articles
  • Advancement of detection models based on findings from intervention studies
  • Support for students through research partnerships

Lead Partner

Zentralinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin und Maritime Medizin (ZfAM)
Seewartenstraße 10
20459 Hamburg

Involved Partners